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«  Август 2012  »

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    Главная » 2012 » Август » 30 » The earthquake in Greenland in the rift zone of volcanic earth-August 30, 2012. Analysis. Forecast.
    The earthquake in Greenland in the rift zone of volcanic earth-August 30, 2012. Analysis. Forecast.
    Earthquake of magnitude 6.6 occurred in the Atlantic Ocean near the island of Jan Mayen, 940 kilometers north-east of Reykjavik, said the U.S. Geological Survey.

    The earthquake, the epicenter of which is located 400 kilometers from Greenland, occurred in 17.43 Moscow time, the focus of the earthquake was at a depth of 8 kilometers.

    Site data monitoring EMSC.

    Magnitude Mw 6.6
    Date time 2012-08-30 13:43:23.0 UTC
    Location 71.52 N; 10.61 W
    Depth 2 km
    Distances 1861 km NW Stockholm (pop 1,253,309; local time 15:43:23.1 2012-08-30)
    944 km NE Reykjavík (pop 113,906; local time 13:43:23.1 2012-08-30)
    715 km N Akureyri (pop 16,563; local time 13:43:23.1 2012-08-30)


    As was said earlier in a statement, "Earthquakes in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge-Series-16 - August 17, 2012. analysis, forecast" :

    Earthquakes of magnitude 5.2 - (August 16-17, 2012) occurred in Zone 6 card-seismic prediction for August 2012.

    Zone 6 - chance-85% - 5, 9, 17, 19, 23, 28, 30 / 8/2012- probability of 75% - + - 12:00 - GMT.

    As indicated in the forecast date in the region are likely intense, resonant seismic event, the eruption of underwater and island (Iceland) volcanoes, tsunamis.

    Resonance is possible in zones 1 - 8 cards forecast of seismic activity in August 2012 for the region.

    August 30 earthquake in Greenland occurred in zone-4-card prediction for August 2012.

    Zone 4 - Probability-85% - 5, 9, 17, 19, 23, 28, 30/8/2012

    The trend is obvious, seismic activity began in the mid-ocean ridges, volcanic belt Fire Earth. This is caused by the action of powerful cosmological factor for geosphere Earth.

    Mid-ocean ridges.

    From the message, "Ring of Fire Volcanoes Earth wake up" .

    Volcanic activity, according to astrophysicists, can be caused by tidal action satellite moon, sun, and the influence of other planets and satellites in the solar system.

    Some astrophysicists hypothesize that during the Earth-to-Neptune opposition under the influence of Neptune's tidal forces are the most powerful volcanic eruptions. This hypothesis is related to the opening, with the help of mathematical calculations, Neptune. Scientists have found changes in Uranus is probably taking place under the influence of gravitational forces unknown planet, and calculated the probability of finding the planet, were later due to strong winds (speed reaches 2100 km / h) the name of Neptune.

    M. Malankovich, engineer, geophysicist, astronomer and climatologist created the theory of ice ages, known as cycles Malankovicha. He believed that to climate change (in particular volcanic activity) influences the position of the Earth: the change of eccentricity every 150,000 years, changes in the plane of the ecliptic and the threshold of the equinoxes.

    Earth-Neptune opposition in 2012, will on August 28. In light occurred on the transit of Jupiter in the Axis of Disaster-Antares-Aldebaran earthquakes in Greenland, the melting of ice on Greenland glaciers, seismic and volcanic activity of the rift in the global Earth system may grow abnormally.

    Neptune's gravitational wave is projected on the Pacific Ring of Fire-, Mid-Atlantic Ridge here, today, now.

    Wide-sextile Neptune-Pluto-line-motion deep magmatic flows - "works" from February 4, 2012 - by 2033! years. This means the period of abnormal, volcanic activity on the planet Earth.

    Seismic and volcanic activity will be of a distinct, strained and then, in the next 100 years.

    The next date on the growth of the seismic resonance tectonic faults, in subduction zones, 5 - 12 - 19 September 2012.

    The period of the Mars in Scorpio Proserpine-line-seismic activity in the "rattling" seismically active areas.

    Research linking seismic activity, volcanic activity, intense manifestations of the elements with space factor, the gravitational fields of the method are carried out in "Astrology as a security system." Software-astroprocessor ZET GEO.

    By the method, Andrei Andreev, kosmoritmolog.

    PS Post- "Earthquakes in Greenland Rift volcanic zone of the Earth-28 July 2012."
    Просмотров: 817 | Добавил: Андрей-Андреев | Теги: earthquake prediction in 2012, an earthquake off Greenland | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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