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«  Сентябрь 2012  »

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    Главная » 2012 » Сентябрь » 26 » Earthquake in the Gulf of California-September 25, 2012.
    Earthquake in the Gulf of California-September 25, 2012.
    6.3 magnitude earthquake occurred on Wednesday night, Moscow time near the coast of Mexico, Reuters reported with reference to the U.S. Geological Survey.

    According to the agency, the epicenter of the quake was located at 61 km from the Mexican city of La Paz.

    No injuries or damage were reported.



    The earthquake occurred in the area of 123 seismic database forecast for September 2012.

    Area 123 - chance-85% - 1, 5, 10, 13, 19, 23, 26, 29-30 / 09/2012.

    Given the increase in seismic activity under the cosmological factor-in dates in red are possible tensions in the region, the resonant seismic event, a series of strong aftershocks.

    Site data USGS.


    Tuesday, September 25, 2012 at 23:45:26 UTC
    Tuesday, September 25, 2012 at 05:45:26 PM at epicenter
    Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
    24.835 ° N, 110.152 ° W
    10.1 km (6.3 miles)
    76 km (47 miles) NNE of La Paz, Mexico
    153 km (95 miles) SW of Ahome, Mexico
    154 km (95 miles) E of Ciudad Constitucion, Mexico
    157 km (97 miles) SW of Los Mochis, Mexico

    Started to "work" T-Square Sun-Uranus-Pluto.

    At the time of the earthquake-moon on the horizon at sunrise. Neptune on the ASC, Jupiter in the Depth of Heaven on IC-in conjunction with the star Rigel.

    The next date of increase seismic activity, volcanic activity in the resonance tectonic faults, in subduction zones:

    H a ibolee resonant period-Full-September 30, 2012.

    Coverage T-square-Sun-Uranus-Pluto-27 - September 30, 2012.

    Period of sharp increase of volcanic activity, sesmoaktivnosti under the influence of solar activity, the actions of cosmological factor and energy, geomagnetic and gravitational waves near and outer space to Earth geosphere.

    Research linking seismic activity, volcanic activity, intense manifestations of the elements with space factor, gravitational fields, solar activity conducted in the method of "Astrology as a security system." Software-astroprocessor ZET GEO.

    Andrey Andreev-kosmoritmolog.
    Просмотров: 683 | Добавил: Андрей-Андреев | Теги: GULF OF CALIFORNIA | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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