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«  Декабрь 2012  »

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    Главная » 2012 » Декабрь » 14 » Earthquake in California, December 14, 2012.
    Earthquake in California, December 14, 2012.
    Under the action of cosmological factor, at the turn of Uranus in direct motion, December 14, 2012, at 10:36 UTC-world time - off the coast of California and Mexico earthquake 6.3 magnitude - 6.4 at a depth of 11.3 km.

    Earthquake in California in the Pacific occurred in zone 121 cards-term earthquake prediction in December 2012.

    The forecast the dates of seismic events in the area of 121 - Chance-5% - 4, 11, 13, 17, 24, 28, 31/12/2012.

    Prediction error 10 hours 36 minutes.

    Given the increase in seismic activity under the cosmological factor-in the date specified in the forecast, the region may be intense, resonant seismic event, the tsunami.


    Magnitude 6.3
    Location 31.213 ° N, 119.560 ° W
    Depth 11.3 km (7.0 miles)
    Distances 262 km (162 miles) SSW of Avalon, California
    268 km (166 miles) WSW of Rosarito, Mexico
    275 km (170 miles) WSW of Imperial Beach, California
    276 km (171 miles) SW of Coronado, California
    Location Uncertainty horizontal + / - 13.2 km (8.2 miles); depth + / - 2.6 km (1.6 miles)
    Parameters NST = 697, Nph = 705, Dmin = 226 km, Rmss = 1.03 sec, Gp = 40 °,
    M-type = "moment" magnitude from initial P wave (tsuboi method) (Mi / Mwp), Version = E

    The region is projected gravitational wave Saturn gravitational impulse Proserpine.

    The projection of the planets in the region of the earthquake, 14 December 2012.

    Let me remind you, the key cosmological factor at this stage is the transit of Jupiter on the Axis disaster-Aldebaran-Antares, the transit of Mars on Axis Heavenly Sirius, Canopus, Vega. Main gravitational perturbations in terms of resonance, seismic events has spread Uranus in direct motion.

    The next date of increase seismic activity, volcanic activity in the resonance tectonic faults, in subduction zones, active seysmozonah:

    Mars is in conjunction with the star Vega, for Heaven's Axis Vega Sirius, Canopus:

    November 28-December 14, 2012.

    Jupiter on the Axis disaster-Aldebaran-Antares:

    5 - 21 December 2012.

    Sun in conjunction with GC-point of the Galactic Center:

    10 - 21 December 2012.

    P azvorot Uranus in direct motion -

    December 13, 2012, the seismic response + - 10 days.

    Moon-13 Dec-seismic response + - 3 days.

    Ingression of Scorpio Venus in Sagittarius, December 16, 2012 - seismic response + - 2 days.

    Full Moon, 28 December 2012 - seismic response + - 3 days.

    Current seismic wave caused by the rotation of a direct motion of Uranus,

    December 13, 2012. Seismic response + - 10 days.

    Acts squaring Uranus and Pluto. Which causes the resonant seismic event in active, rattling seysmozonah.

    Earth in December 2012 - is a powerful flow of cosmic waves, and energies.

    On a separate note the high velocity of the planet Pluto in December 2012.

    This means abnormal, increased volcanic activity at the active volcanoes and supervolcanoes Earth.

    Pluto-highest rate in the conjunction with the Sun, reach the Christmas, New Year period.

    Research linking seismic activity, volcanic activity, intense manifestations of the elements with space factor, gravitational fields, solar activity conducted in the method of "Astrology as a security system." Software- ZET GEO.

    Andrey Andreev - kosmoritmolog.

    Astrology as a security-Praemonitus praemunitus-forewarned is forearmed.
    Просмотров: 1103 | Добавил: Андрей-Андреев | Теги: earthquake in California, earthquake prediction | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
    Всего комментариев: 0
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