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«  Октябрь 2012  »

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    Главная » 2012 » Октябрь » 17 » An earthquake measuring 4.0 on the north-eastern United States, October 17, 2012. Analysis, prediction.
    An earthquake measuring 4.0 on the north-eastern United States, October 17, 2012. Analysis, prediction.
    MOSCOW, Oct. 17 - RIA Novosti. Earthquake of magnitude 4.5 occurred in the U.S. state of Maine, according to the U.S. Geological Survey website. [

    The epicenter of the earthquake that struck Tuesday 19.12 local time (12.03 MSK medium), located five kilometers to the west of Hollis Center. Hearth earthquakes occur at a depth of five kilometers.

    No casualties or damage were reported.



    Earthquake in Maine, USA, was in the area of 137 database Earthquake prediction for October 2012.

    Area 137 - probability-probability-85% - 1, 7, 14, 20 - 21, 27, 29/10/2012.

    Given the increase in seismic activity under the cosmological factor-in date in red - in the region may be intense, resonant seismic event, further series of strong aftershocks.


    Magnitude Mw 4.0
    Region MAINE
    Date time 2012-10-16 23:12:22.0 UTC
    Location 43.58 N; 70.68 W
    Depth 2 km
    Distances 315 km SE Montreal (pop 3,268,513; local time 19:12:22.4 2012-10-16)
    91 km NE Manchester (pop 109,877; local time 19:12:22.4 2012-10-16)
    18 km NE Sanford (pop 27,201; local time 19:12:22.4 2012-10-16)
    5 km NE Waterboro (pop 7,532; local time 19:12:22.4 2012-10-16)

    The region is projected gravitational wave planetoid Varuna.

    The next date of increase seismic activity, volcanic activity in the resonance tectonic faults, in subduction zones:

    New Moon, October 15, 2012 - Resonance + 3 days.

    Turn-planetoid Varuna in reverse motion, October 26, 2012.

    In the second half of the month, the most resonant period-Full-October 29, 2012.

    Research linking seismic activity, volcanic activity, intense manifestations of the elements with space factor, gravitational fields, solar activity conducted in the method of "Astrology as a security system." Software- astroprocessor ZET GEO.

    Andrey Andreev - kosmoritmolog.

    Astrology as a security-Praemonitus praemunitus-forewarned is forearmed.
    Просмотров: 834 | Добавил: Андрей-Андреев | Теги: Earthquake in the United States, earthquake prediction | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
    Всего комментариев: 0
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